Combination to oily skin typically produce too much sebum, leading to an oily appearance, particularly in the T zone, as well as enlarged pores and skin imperfections like blackheads, pimples, and inflammation. This Purifying Anti-Blemish Serum decreases sebum production and slows the growth of bacteria causing blemishes. Exfoliating acids promote cellular renewal, providing an intense detox, mattifying and unifying the skin.
Why this product is special:
Plant-based acids exfoliate to reduce acne signs for a unified complexion
AHAs and BHAs (5.5%) reduce sebum production, reducing shine and blemishes.
Aloe Vera and Zinc PCA (2%) lessen irritation
BHA and Zinc PCA inhibit bacterial growth contributing to skin blemishes.
A glass bottle with a pipette.
How to use:
Apply a few drops of the serum to the face and neck twice daily on clean skin. Optionally, mix with a facial care oil before application. We recommend increasing application frequency gradually, waiting 3 days between applications.
Take caution not to mix with products containing other acids, retinoids, or vitamin C.